Wednesday, May 31, 2006


Mr. Beefy
Originally uploaded by The Enid Complex.
So I have three events to document today.

In reverse order.

The weekend that's just happened. Spring Camp.

The tuesday that wasn't yesterday but the one before. DJ Tea and MC Cake.

And the wet weekend that hasn't just happened but was the weekend before that. The Firegathering.

So. First things first (chronologically, that is), last weekend (not the one that's just happened but the one before that) we went to this wee little festival in the local area (well, close enough.. it was next to Gatwick airport, or at least close enough to say "Look at that low plan! Fine, then..." every five minutes or so, if we had wanted to).

It's organised by Will the Jug who is a really tall fellow who looks a bit like a Toby Jug and splashes water out of his head like in the Wasp Factory but a bit less gross. He's also a juggler. Me and Anna and Maya got on the train and travelled up to Three Bridges as Maya told us about her parents' sex lifen and we drank beers and ate falofel. At three bridges we met some other people going to the festival including Ben and Talia (?), and Adam who used to know Arthur and, it turns out, can throat sing, and can throat sing in a Heavy Metal way. Adam is cool.

So we got there after a traumatic six-person taxi ride with a lost taxi driver, and as we arrived in this field it begun to rain, but we put our tent up and strolled around the site. Big tents, one with a stage in it, the other with a tea-shop. I bumped into Nicky who is a light hearted Freudian with journalistic ambitions, she was wearing her scarf that looks like her hair and makes her talk like Elton John. They also had this unusual glass-house esque complex which had a boarded-over swimming pool and a hot tub (not boarded over). We sat down in the tea-shop tent and had cups of tea with some of the people we had met including the girl who works in the Hope who I keep IDing and some other girl who had mud-poi and whose name I can't remember, and ended up getting accidentally really stoned. Stumbling around a bit confused and it still raining a bit and then Andy K and Evelyn and Steve! turn up, together with a big italian coffee machine that Andy bought from a closing down gourmet cafe the previous weekend and has converted to run on bio-diesel.

As the evening goes on we sip at pints of ale from the bar and drink gin and tonics and sit to watch a band, but they seem to spend about an hour tuning up and so we wander on.

Will the Jug really wants me to read some poems during the festival and I assure him that I will when I get the chance

So what ends up happening is that me and Anna kind of flake out a bit and go to bed at about half past two. When we get up in the morning the rain is stopping and we find Maya writhing in the hot tub all twitching and wild eyed "it was cold but it's warming up..." she was keeping a low profile and playing it cool and I think she got away with it. we share some kind of vegetarian breakfast and maya eats some raw carrots and shows us her new found friends who feed us drugs for lunch but they don't affect us that much. we drink gin and tonic and wander about. the sun is now up. but however the previous night has left the site muddy as it is and my pixie boots are pretty ruined already (they are sort of converse-esque shoes and made of canvas, they are known as pixie boots because the ends seem to point upwards, in the manner of a medieval gentleman, or, so I must assume from the name, some kind of pixie. a quote "just look at Frank Black! who says tubbers can't be rock 'n roll stars!") and so I decide to walk around in bare feet which works well until I am stung all over the soles of my feet by nettles

so the day goes on and we sip at ales and Will the Jug urges us to go see a cabaret and then something happens, we are sitting on a straw bale and maya has fallen asleep in her tent for a bit and we see Andy K and Evelyn and then suddenly Andy K is buying loads of acid off some man and he is licking acid off his hand and evelyn goes "Bloody Andy! he's buying acid... That's my breakfast money!!" andy emerges spiralling and Evelyn admits that actually it's quite tempting "I'm going to have to be his carer for the next ten hours" we watch a bit of a rage against the machine covers band called Bad Science for a bit and then as we leave the stage bit we see two guys spinning fire whilst naked. that was cool. we sit round the fire and i'm a bit confused and seeing all these unusual colours and then suddenly Will tries to get me to read some poems but I'm not really in the right state of mind and then we wander more around and the glasshouse has become some kind of flared out acid disco which is intense in some ways and quite unexpected in others

the next morning steve! can give us a lift home and so we pack our things and go and find maya and she is in the hot tub and "still feeling the party" so off home we go and leave maya in a field

as she is out me and anna sit in her bed and watch films and drink gin and tonic. we call Tom. he is at All Tomorrows Parties watching Andy destroy curtains


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny stuff.

Can people *really* be "light-hearted Freudians" these days, or even "Freudians"? Just wondering.

A free hot tub is always a good find.

Sounds like a good weekend to me. Esp liked the friend who called, who was watching someone burn curtains. Hm.

10:39 AM  

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