Tuesday, March 22, 2005


Chris and Rosie
Originally uploaded by Dolores Luxedo.
Again busy. Observe rapid fire of loaded pun. Or something less dreadful. Bullet points.

- Got time off work. Bribery needed. Am going back to St. Albans tomorrow. Heck yeah!

- Fell over in street. People walking past making tutting noises.

- Went to The Mitre Tavern. Faced with massive grotesque Chris Tarrent. Otherwise, it was one of those "ice in the ciders" moments. Alright here?

- Ahhh. So much to read. So many interesting articles. So much to do. So much bloody UTOPIA to write about. Only one critical work in whole library about Julian Barnes.

- Neighbours downstairs fighting with eachother. We hear it all. Which is slightly better than hearing them sexing. Actually, maybe worse. It depends. Arguing takes longer. And then Rosanne is blasting out Bjork at half past eight this morning and cross Neighbour bangs on the door and gives a torrent of abuse about the music. He is not a Bjork fan. He starts attempting to fight with us, so Rosie hits him on the head with a bit of dry stone wall we brought back from the peak district. He goes tumbling down the stairs to land in a bloody heap on the floor. Okay, not that bloody. Bit of an awkward situation. We go and threaten him with the dry stone wall until he agrees that we acted in self defence. Still not entirely sure what neighbourly relations are going to be like from now on.

- No answer from Daniel Dennett. Curse him!

- Vegan cookery. The free-gan debate. Ha.

- Lost my BLOODY PHONE. Curses! Bloody dickens heck! Darn! Please call 07866 872659 and if anyone answers, cuss them bad and ask them to return it. Stolen, it was. Who would steal that? I ask you!

- Frisbee with Jed and Doug. Doug distracted. Jed with wok. Same as usual, really.

- "Heaven is a place where nothing ever happens"; Stillness, stagnation and the strive for a rat-race utopia.

- dirty snake.

Okay there's probably more to write but I need to go actually do some useful stuff. Speak soon, no doubt. you/i will speak soon now that you are dead i am to go with them the Robertsons now that you are, long hard hands, now that you are, i will speak you/i later.


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