Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Blank Holiday Monday

Originally uploaded by becksy bee.
Another poetry night. Sam more entheusiastic than ever. Jacob also compering, invites whole contents of Fridge Bar back to his house afterwards. Tommy helps a small man through a high window. Some good poets. Note: Make sure, if you're doing a poem about menstruating, that it's really really good. Because otherwise it's just going to be terrible.

Fortunately I didn't do any poems about menstruation. Probably never will. Instead the unconscious is fundamentally a crowd. And some po-mo-bo-ho po po poetry about gravel and words that rhyme. Good as the Cardinal might have been at choosing the new pope, he didn't like it. Didn't do all that well. Like the poem though and various hip hop / poet types did.

So, we go back to Jacobs afterwards, and I meet this girl called Coxy who it turns out I have met before when I was stumbling through the Lanes pretending to be a drunken stumbling cornishman. She saw through my disguise then, however, and we shared recollections of 1740-1830. A good 90 years, that was. I remember it well.


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