Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Having ten teeth.

So I got outed yesterday.

Rosanne: "So, hey, why do you think Chris is down in the dumps today?"

Alice: "I think he wants a girlfriend. Actually, I think he wants a boyfriend."

Rosanne: "What?"

Alice: "You know, someone like Andy. To take him out for pasties and all that."

Rosanne: "What?!"

So it turns out that Alice meant that I needed someone like Andy to go eat pasties with and generally complain about my woman troubles (or lack of them). But Rosanne thought that I'd just come out of the closet to Alice that morning, and that this was her way of telling her.

So now everyone thinks I'm a big old gayer. My life is ruined.

Ha. I josh. Only that last paragraph, I josh. The rest is true. Bless.

So I spent a very decadent afternoon yesterday. Iced coffee and cakes (or buns, if you're from the north. Certain parts of the north, anyway). Followed by sitting in a hot tub sipping cheap champagne from tall glasses. Most classy indeed.

Then we went and played tennis with Tommy and Fran. More exercise than I've done in quite a few weeks. But fun, nevertheless. Tommy only has one arm, so his tennis playing was a bit limited, but he did well. Me and Fran had quite a few 'ralleys' of resonable length. Yes, definately an option for healthy outdoor activites.


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