Sunday, July 09, 2006


hitler snowman
Originally uploaded by Dolores Luxedo.
I'm sitting in the desolation that is my flat. Tommy is cooking breakfast and I have a Doraemon mask. I am 25 today. Daniel Taylor has a new voice and has given me Sherlock Holmes - The Card Game. There are two dogs in front of me; a Squirrel Doggie and a small yellow dog with high heels. Andy gave me a Bob Dylan Harmonica Holder. There is red wine on my white linen suit. Rosanne gave me a wallet made from capybara skin. You can see the fish-like scales. Last night we sat on the concrete jetty at the end of the Groyne for a while as the waves lapped around us and Earnest played the banjo. My mother and father gave me a teatowel with the nautical flag symbols on it. This morning I woke up in the front room on a mattress with photos taken of my semi-clad sleeping form. Tom, Andy, Cosmos etc have made scenes in all the late night shops they could, and at the Car Boot sale at six in the morning, they bought new sunglasses. Tom buys a new set of sunglasses every time he gets spangled. By this means, we gain sunglasses but lose wooden spoons.

We're going to go to a gay dog show.


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