Friday, February 09, 2007


high five!
Originally uploaded by bumpoowilly.
Things I have accumulated in the last few days.

- thousands of vitamin C sweets, each of which contains 100% of my daily allowance of vitamin C. I'm averaging 700% a day.

- three pints of fresh brewers yeast

- a massive bag full of hops

- a terrifying mug of a dog with rolling eyes

- Lyrical Ballads

- 481 sheets of white paper

- a registration form for a poetry brothel

- humiliation

- a drinking problem

- a thursday-night-friday-ad

- two feathers for my hat

- a big jar of garlic pickle

- halloumi


Blogger Syl said...

I like this list. Especially the humiliation one. I want to know what was humiliating for you.

11:08 PM  

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